
Who is cleaning?

Check 1 box of you are alone, 2 if you are 2 and 3 if you are 3.

How was the unit left by the Guest?

If no, please attach picture!
If no, please attach picture!
If no, please attach picture!
If no, please attach picture!
If no, please attach picture!
1= extremely dirty, 5= normal cleaning, 10= being practically clean. If below 5, upload foto / video with checklist.

Linen ok?

If any linen was dirty, please attach picture of individual pieces in this list

Cleaning Check-list

Some units have special instructions - please confirm that you have checked these.
Remeber to clean under beds, sofas, tables etc!
*If necessary/relevant
*Clean if necessary/relevant
If there is trash i the green bin, move it to the black/gray bag.

After cleaning

1= not very sure. 10= 100% Sure.
Selected Value: 0
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 50 files.